Friday, March 1, 2013

Trying to get back on track

Taking a few weeks off while I was home with my family, eating too much take out while renovating my kitchen, and struggling to find motivation to go out in this cold weather has me feeling fat, slow, and blah.  The good news is I'm starting to get back into a routine, my kitchen is done, and the weather will hopefully be getting better soon!

That said, I dove back into running upon my return to NC.  Thanks to my great running friends who came out to keep me company and help with my crisis in motivation, I was able to knock out 38 miles in my first week back.  Most of these were at a pretty slow/comfortable pace, with the exception of 4 miles in the freezing rain when I did my best to keep up with Sarah and Ellen (despite agreeing to an easy run, they seem to pace in the 7:20s), and I've just been easing back into things.  Wednesday marked my first track workout in a while, and though the team had a good workout on the schedule, I realized my fitness was just not where it should be and decided to run mile repeats instead.  Not breaking any records, but stayed pretty consistent (6:49-6:46-6:46) around what I figure is probably my 5k pace.  Could be worse.

I also managed to get in a few swim workouts, a little cycling, and some yoga.  Though I am nervous about being the last one out of the lake in the half iron, I am feeling less concerned about the prospect of drowning, so I guess that's good... 

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